package; #if sampleShowreel import haxe.Timer; import lime.ui.Window; import lime.ui.KeyCode; import lime.ui.KeyModifier; import lime.ui.MouseButton; import; import; import lime.math.Vector2; import peote.view.PeoteGL; import peote.view.PeoteView; import peote.view.Display; import peote.view.Buffer; import peote.view.Program; import peote.view.Color; import peote.view.Texture; import peote.view.Element; class Elem implements Element { @posX public var x:Int=0; @posY public var y:Int=0; @sizeX public var w:Int=100; @sizeY public var h:Int=100; //@color("bgCol") public var bgCol :Color = 0xffffffff; //@color("ringCol") public var ringCol:Color = 0x0000ffff; //@color("reelCol") public var reelCol:Color = 0x0000ffff; @color("objCol") public var objCol :Color = 0x0000ffff; @color("mirrCol") public var mirrCol:Color = 0x0000ffff; // texture-slot @texSlot("object", "objmirr") public var variation:Int; // multiple objects+objectMirrors in multiple slots // tiles the slot or manual texture-coordinate into sub-slots @texTile("ring") @anim("wheelRotation", "repeat") public var ringFrame:Int; // Tiles for the reel @texTile("object", "objmirr") @anim("objectRotation", "repeat") public var objectFrame:Int; // Tiles per objects/objectMirrors //let the texture shift inside slot/texCoords/tile area @texPosX("object", "objmirr") @const public var tx:Int=48; @texPosY("object") @anim("objectJump", "pingpong") public var posYObject:Int; @texPosY("objmirr") @anim("objectJump", "pingpong") public var posYObjmirr:Int; @texSizeX("object", "objmirr") @const public var sx:Int = 81; @texSizeY("object", "objmirr") @const public var sy:Int = 56; // formula (glsl) to combine colors with textures var DEFAULT_COLOR_FORMULA = "mix(mix(mix(mix(background, ring, ring.a), reel, reel.a), objmirr*mirrCol, objmirr.a*reel.a), object*objCol, object.a)"; // give the texture identifiers a default value ( if there is no texture set for ) var DEFAULT_FORMULA_VARS = [ "background" => 0x00000000, "ring" => 0x00000000, "reel" => 0x00000000, "objmirr" => 0x00000000, "object" => 0x00000000, ]; var OPTIONS = { alpha:false }; public function new(positionX:Int=0, positionY:Int=0, width:Int=100, height:Int=100, variation:Int ) { this.x = positionX; this.y = positionY; this.w = width; this.h = height; this.variation = variation; objCol.r = mirrCol.r = 210 + Math.random()*15); objCol.g = mirrCol.g = 210 + Math.random()*25); objCol.b = mirrCol.b = 220 + Math.random()*35); objCol.alpha = 255; mirrCol.alpha = 235; } } class Showreel { var peoteView:PeoteView; var element = new Array(); var buffer:Buffer; var display:Display; var program:Program; var textureBackground:Texture; var textureRing:Texture; var textureReel:Texture; var textureObject:Texture; var textureObjMirr:Texture; var maxVariation = 5; var hElems:Int = 4; var vElems:Int = 4; var maxElements:Int; public function new(window:Window) { maxElements = hElems * vElems; try { peoteView = new PeoteView(window.context, window.width, window.height); display = new Display(10,10, window.width-20, window.height-20); peoteView.addDisplay(display); // display to peoteView buffer = new Buffer(maxElements); program = new Program(buffer); display.addProgram(program); // programm to display textureBackground = new Texture( 400, 256, 1, 4, true, 1, 1); textureRing = new Texture(1600, 1024, 1, 4, true, 1, 1); textureRing.tilesX = textureRing.tilesY = 4; textureReel = new Texture( 400, 256, 1, 4, true, 1, 1); textureObject = new Texture(3960, 780, maxVariation, 4, true, 1, 1, 4096); textureObject.tilesX = 22; textureObject.tilesY = 6; textureObjMirr = new Texture(3960, 780, maxVariation, 4, true, 1, 1, 4096); textureObjMirr.tilesX = 22; textureObjMirr.tilesY = 6; program.autoUpdateTextures = false; //program.setTexture(textureBackground, Elem.TEXTURE_background); //program.setTexture(textureRing , Elem.TEXTURE_ring); program.setTexture(textureReel , Elem.TEXTURE_reel); program.setTexture(textureObject , Elem.TEXTURE_object); program.setTexture(textureObjMirr , Elem.TEXTURE_objmirr); program.discardAtAlpha(null); //program.setFragmentFloatPrecision("highp"); program.updateTextures(); var path = "assets/showreel"; //loadImage(textureBackground, '$path/background.jpg'); //loadImagePair(textureRing, '$path/ring_RGB.jpg', '$path/ring_Alpha.png'); loadImage(textureReel, '$path/mirror_RGBA.png'); for (i in 0...maxVariation) { loadImagePair(textureObject, '$path/obj_0${i+1}_RGB.jpg', '$path/obj_0${i+1}_Alpha.png', i); loadImagePair(textureObjMirr, '$path/obj-mirror_0${i+1}_RGB.jpg', '$path/obj-mirror_0${i+1}_Alpha.png', i); } // create elements for (y in 0...vElems) for (x in 0...hElems) { var i = y * hElems + x; element[i] = new Elem(x * 400, y * 260, 400, 260, i % maxVariation); var speed:Int = + Math.random() * 300); var reverse:Bool = (Math.random() > 0.5) ? true : false; if (reverse) element[i].animWheelRotation(15, 0); else element[i].animWheelRotation(0, 15); element[i].timeWheelRotation(0.0, speed/1000); if (reverse) element[i].animObjectRotation(127, 0); else element[i].animObjectRotation(0, 127); element[i].timeObjectRotation(0.0, speed/1000 * 16); var jumpheight = + Math.random() * 25); element[i].animObjectJump(25, 65, 25-jumpheight, 65+jumpheight); element[i].timeObjectJump(Math.random() * 2, 1.5 + Math.random() * 2); buffer.addElement(element[i]); // element to buffer } peoteView.start(); } catch (msg:String) {trace("ERROR", msg); } // --------------------------------------------------------------- } // load first the rgb data into image (as jpg) public function loadImagePair(texture:Texture, fnRGB:String, fnAlpha:String, slot:Int=0):Void { trace('load RGB-image $fnRGB'); var future = Image.loadFromFile(fnRGB); future.onProgress (function (a:Int,b:Int) trace ('...loading image $a/$b')); future.onError (function (msg:String) trace ("Error: "+msg)); future.onComplete (function (image:Image) { trace('loading $fnRGB complete'); loadImageAlpha(texture, image, fnAlpha, slot); }); } function loadImageAlpha(texture:Texture, imgRGB:Image, fnAlpha:String, slot:Int=0):Void { trace('load Alpha-image $fnAlpha'); var future = Image.loadFromFile(fnAlpha); future.onProgress (function (a:Int,b:Int) trace ('...loading image $a/$b')); future.onError (function (msg:String) trace ("Error: "+msg)); future.onComplete (function (image:Image) { trace('loading $fnAlpha complete'); // copy alphachannel imgRGB.copyChannel(image, image.rect, new Vector2(0, 0), ImageChannel.RED, ImageChannel.ALPHA); texture.setImage(imgRGB, slot); }); } // ------------------------------------------------- // load normal image public function loadImage(texture:Texture, filename:String, slot:Int=0):Void { trace('load image $filename'); var future = Image.loadFromFile(filename); future.onProgress (function (a:Int,b:Int) trace ('...loading image $a/$b')); future.onError (function (msg:String) trace ("Error: "+msg)); future.onComplete (function (image:Image) { trace('loading $filename complete'); texture.setImage(image, slot); }); } public function onMouseDown (x:Float, y:Float, button:MouseButton):Void { //display.zoom*=1.2; } public function onKeyDown (keyCode:KeyCode, modifier:KeyModifier):Void { switch (keyCode) { case KeyCode.NUMPAD_PLUS: display.zoom+=0.1; case KeyCode.NUMPAD_MINUS: display.zoom -= 0.1; case KeyCode.UP: display.yOffset -= (modifier.shiftKey) ? 8 : 1; case KeyCode.DOWN: display.yOffset += (modifier.shiftKey) ? 8 : 1; case KeyCode.RIGHT: display.xOffset += (modifier.shiftKey) ? 8 : 1; case KeyCode.LEFT: display.xOffset -= (modifier.shiftKey) ? 8 : 1; default: } } public function render() { peoteView.render(); } public function update(deltaTime:Int):Void {} public function onMouseUp (x:Float, y:Float, button:MouseButton):Void {} public function resize(width:Int, height:Int) { peoteView.resize(width, height); display.width = width - 20; display.height = height - 20; #if android /* element.w = display.width; element.h = / 400 * display.width); buffer.updateElement(element); */ #end } } #end