This struct is to configure the properties of a new Texture.


@:value(16384)maxTextureSize:Int = 16384

Maximum width or height for the texture if its size is automatic calculated for multiple slots.
Should be set lesser or equal to the maximum available OpenGL texturesize.
(Avoid large values if your device have limited floatpoint precision for glsl "modulo")

@:value(1)slotsX:Int = 1

How many slots the texture is horizontally divided into. Only applies when the slots parameter into Texture constructor is null.

@:value(1)slotsY:Int = 1

How many slots the texture is vertically divided into. Only applies when the slots parameter into Texture constructor is null.

@:value(true)powerOfTwo:Bool = true

Round the texture width or height up to the next "power of two" number.
This should be "true" for mipmapping or older OpenGl devices.

@:value(1)tilesX:Int = 1

How many tiles each slot is horizontally divided into for tilemapping (if the Element use @tile).

@:value(1)tilesY:Int = 1

How many tiles each slot is vertically divided into for tilemapping (if the Element use @tile).

@:value(TextureFormat.RGBA)format:TextureFormat = TextureFormat.RGBA

Specifies the used TextureFormat.

@:value(false)smoothExpand:Bool = false

Use smooth filtering if the texture is displayed at a enlarged size.

@:value(false)smoothShrink:Bool = false

Use smooth filtering if the texture is displayed at a reduced size.

@:value(false)mipmap:Bool = false

If the texture have to generate mipmaps for filtering.

@:value(false)smoothMipmap:Bool = false

Use smooth interpolation between the mipmap-levels for texture filtering.