

To set up the "blend" factors if a Program has .blendEnabled.


To set up the "blend" functions if a Program has .blendEnabled.


A Buffer stores all graphic elements and handles the data for an OpenGL-vertex buffer, for <T> it has to use a macro generated Element type.
Used by a Program all contained elements will be rendered by the corresponding shaders/textures and the same buffer can also be shared by several programs.


Represents a color value what is stored inside a 32 bit integer.
The supported format is RGBA, so it uses one Byte per red, green, blue and alpha channel into order.


A Display represents an rectangular area inside the PeoteView what contains a Program list for rendering.
All the inner content can be shifted and zoomed.


Provides the mask values of how a Program is using or drawing into the stencil buffer.


PeoteView represents the main "view" that must be called in a Lime application at startup to initialize the OpenGL-context and the onRender and onResize events.
It contains a list of Display areas and the entire view can be moved and zoomed.


The Program is rendering the graphical elements of a Buffer with the corresponding shader and assigned Textures.
The shader code can be modified at runtime by formulas or also by glsl code-injection and custom uniforms.
It supports different modes for color blending, stencil masks or depth-buffer.


A Texture can be used inside of Programs to render image data.
It can store multiple TextureData in slots that can be divided into tiles for texture atlases.
The precision (int/float) and amount of colorchannels can be defined by TextureFormat. Mipmapping and filtering is supported.


Provides a set of Textures and slots to automatically store multiple TextureData where it fits best.


This struct is to configure the properties of a new Texture.


Stores image data into different TextureFormats to use it for Textures.
It supports basic converting functions and a low level api to edit pixels.


Stores image data into different TextureFormats to use it for Textures.
It supports basic converting functions and a low level api to edit pixels.


Specifies the colorchannels and precision for storing imagedata and provides the format for TextureData and Textures by TextureConfig.
The value of a color/alpha channel of a pixel can have 8 bit integer or alternatively 32 bit floatpoint precision.


Set up a custom "uniform" that can be accessed within glsl shadercode.